Comtemperary Science Issues!

On this page, I will share my reflections on Science Breakthroughs, which i have did researched on out of interest and boredness! Hope you agree with meeee~!

Scientist find weakness in Deadly Ebola Disease.

I feel that this is certainly a large discovery and improvement in science.  Although this is not a very common disease, it’s still a very serious and lethal disease, as it has taken away 2000+ lives. This discovery gives much hope to those in Africa who are exposed to the disease. I feel that this is an example of how Science can greatly improve lives and give hope to people. This tells us that nothing is impossible and when there’s a will, there’s a way. This might be an indication that Science could be better than Religion, as even if we have a lot of faith, we might not be able to survive this fatal disease. I think that we should be grateful that Science had improved so much since its beginnings and there were a lot of “incurable” diseases last time, however, now there are cures for them. This article is one of the many breakthroughs in Science and shows the potential in Science, that Science might have no limits and can always be exploited further. I feel that learning Science is good as we can contribute to mankind this way. I feel that this discovery is a method of reducing the proteins in the body can prevent this disease. This may be the start of a new way to cure fatal diseases, by removing or reducing the amount of cells in the victim’s body.

Goldilocks Planets!


I feel that the discovery of this Goldilocks planet has been a successful campaign in searching for inhabitable planets. I feel that this project is a very exciting one, if we are really able to go and live on other planets. This venture maybe extremely expensive and I am actually quite excited to go and live in another planet. However, discovering alien planets may not be a good idea, as aliens might really exist and they might attack us if we provoke them. Going to other planets might be very dangerous, and there might be living beings on other planets. I think that instead of wasting time locating other planets for us to live on; we should focus more on saving our home planet first. We should green Singapore, because of Global Warming. We should always remember the 3Rs, every second the ozone layer is getting worse and worse and becoming more harmful to us. This is a great big truth and gives hope to us,  when there are other planets that are similar to Earth, we can migrate to there when Earth cannot sustain life anymore… (when we completely destroy and exhaust it’s resources). However, I still do not think that it would be nice to “invade” other planets, even if we desperately need them. I think that it is too much to hope for and what we should be really doing what is within our needs and do something to save Planet Earth. Small efforts can have big impacts, by doing this we can preserve the natural beauty of other planets and save Planet Earth as well.

Making Plastic As Strong As Steel


This discovery may change and improves the lives of many people in the future. By creating a material that is lightweight yet extremely strong, the researchers may change the materials used to build many objects that require great strength and durability. Metal is now main material used to make durable things and things that need to withstand great weigh. However, with this discovery, material used will be redefined, and metal might not be so commonly seen anymore. Instead of carrying heavy armour made of metal alloy to protect themselves better against bullets, this lightweight material would produce an good alternative. Although this material might not be so damage proof , it will offer better mobility, as the armour made with this material would be light. The making of this plastic shows that science is improving everyday and science contains many wonders that have been yet to be discovered!