Issues in teaching and Learning Science

I have learnt many new things throughout this LSS curriculum. The lessons have covered many key topics such as the most basic of all, Scientific Inquiry, followed by making measurements and the introduction of the vernier calipers and micrometer screw gauges. Then came the SI Units (a very challenging topic)  and Classification of Matter. Next was the interesting and intriguing topic of Elements, Compounds and Mixtures, followed by the amazing different types of separation techniques, which many experiments were available for us. Then there was Solutions and Suspensions. In the later part of the year, we learnt the classification of plant and animal life, followed by Diffusion and Osmosis which I took a little longer to comprehend.
I think the LSS curriculum is a very well structured approach to combining all three fields: chemistry, physics and biology. It is a fundamental step to acquire basic knowledge on the field of science, at a higher level. In primary school, we were taught surface level knowledge on various topics. We had a rough understanding of elementary science, but not in depth. At secondary level, we would explore further into those topics with a scientific approach and interesting experiments to help us to understand. Thus, Scientific Inquiry is essential for advanced learning to take place.

Term  1 reflection on the topics learnt:
Topic 1 : Science as an inquiry

Attitude of a scientist:
Ms  Chia taught us about what kinds of attitudes a scientist should have in order to succeed. It was a very interesting lesson and I learnt that being a good scientist is never a easy thing. After that lesson Ms  Chia gave us a assignment to research on a scientist which I admire. I researched on Sir Isaac Newton. My key takeaway from this topic was a good quote from Sir Isaac Newton: “ I do not know what I may appear  to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay undiscovered before me. “
Topic 2 : Safety rules in the lab:
Today, Ms Chia taught us the Do’s and Don’ts in the science lab. I do feel that that it is very important to know the rules in the science lab and to abide by it. If not, the science lab might become a very dangerous place and injuries and accidents might take place very often. After this lesson Ms Chia gave us a ACE assignment to either draw out or use powerpoint to make a poster  on Lab Safety. The lessons had raised my interest in the topic and this led to me exploring Youtube for related videos. I found something interesting on Youtube: 
 – which made learning easier and also more interactive for me.
Science apparatus used in the lab:
This topic helped me to differentiate all the different apparatus in the lab. It also let me learn about the precautions one is required to take in the lab. Ms Chia had given us practices in drawing lab apparatus which greatly helped in our understanding of the topic and allowed us to easily differentiate between the similar apparatus.
Topic 3: Variables
This topic allowed me to gain the necessary skills to design and plan experiments better – by giving me a better understanding of the different types of variables. The teacher had taught us about the warning signs; which is both useful and practical as we see them very often while in the lab.
Topic 4: Flames
Through the learning of this topic, I learnt how to prevent strikebacks and accidents in the lab involving the Bunsen burner. This is essential as part of my responsibility as a Science student because safety is of utmost importance. I also gained knowledge on how to operate a Bunsen burner, along with the precautions I should take while heating liquids. I have learnt that we must be very cautious when handling  the Bunsen Burner  or else we could get ourselves injured easily.
Topic 5: Line graph
After having our first science test in Hwa Chong,  we were taught on how to draw line graphs to represent results from an experiment.  At first, I thought that this would be a simple topic but to my astonishment, there were a lot of things we had to take note of when we draw a line graph including the title and labelling, and marks will be deducted for each small mistake L.  I found this lesson very useful for future assignments, as we were taught the importance of paying attention to details, which is very important in my time studying Science at the lower secondary level. We were also told that we needed to draw line graphs for the next term test.

Term 2  reflection on topics learnt:

However, the topic on making measurements wasn't enjoyable. Probably there's no motion that makes it a "Just Do It" topic. However, it is pretty fun to use scientific equipment such as vernier calipers and micrometer screw gauges to measure things that are very small. As for the SI units, it is total memory work. Though it's tedious to learn, it will be really useful in the future. Classification of matter was simple as it was covered before in the primary school science syllabus. We were given a deeper study of the matter's molecular bonding and attractions.  Kinetic particle theory and Brownian motion was a difficult topic to me. There was a lot of memorising work to do and I spent a lot of effort on this topic. I faced much difficulties in catching up with the term 2 topics as I was sick for a week and did not came to school. Term 2 was really a hectic yet epic time for me in Science! 

Topic 1 (Physical quantities)
SI Units:
QuantitySI Unit
Lengthmetre (m)
Masskilogram (kg)
Timesecond (s)
Temperaturekelvin (K)
Currentampere (A)
Amount of Substancemole (mol)

Topic 1 (Physical quantities)
In this topic, we learnt about 6 base units in the SI units. We also learnt about the symbols of these 6 base units. I feel that these 6 base units help a lot in our calculations. We learnt how to convert a statement to standard form which also eventually helped me in my math which had a similar topic. During meetings between mathematicians, they uses this 6 SI units, allowing  them to make calculations easier with everyone using the same base units.

Topic 2 (Length and Volume)
In this topic, we learnt about how to measure length and volume. For example, we learnt that vernier calipers and micrometer screw gauge are used to measure diameters of objects. Of course, we also learnt how to operate them. Next, we learnt how to use a micrometer screw gauge, which measures length up to a precision of 0.01mm. Lastly, we were taught on zero error( which I had completely no idea as I missed the whole lesson.) There were also a few particular areas in which I had to invest more time to completely understand it. Examples include the different ways of measuring diameters and calculating the exact length of an object after taking into account zero error. After completing several worksheets and much reading , I was able to handle this topic quite well.

Topic 3 (Density)
We were first taught on how to calculate density in this topic. It was quite hard to handle as I have not learnt it before. One thing Ms Chia told us to take note of is to round off densities calculation to 1dp, which I did not know until after the test as I missed a week of lessons. I kept getting mixed up of whether mass or density should be at the top of the magic triangle. We also did some worksheets on floating and sinking, in which I also learnt what is Plimsoll line and the use of it. Lastly, I also learnt that sea water has a higher density than pure water because it contains salt and that hot water has a higher density that cold water.

Topic 4 (Classification of matter and the kinetic particle theory)
This was the topic that fascinated me most. I find this topic difficult and challenging, yet fascinating. I partly knew about this topic as my primary school teachers had taught me about the arrangement of particles in different states. I was very intrigued by the movement of particles in the Brownian motion. It was simulated in one of Ms Chia’s  powerpoint slide and I found it quite beautiful. The challenging part is the evidence of why particles are moving in a continuous motion and changes of particles when matters change state. I went through the online powerpoint slides a few times to get a better idea of the topic. 

Term 3 reflection on topics learnt

Elements, Compounds and Mixture:

 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures were fresh, interesting topics yet challenging. When I was young, I liked to study the periodic table and marvel at those names and their numbers. Though I knew nothing then, I was really very interested. Now that I understand some of the elements, their structures, why they were given numbers and placed in different columns of the periodic table, I found a new interest to it. I did not marvel at their cool names and numbers, instead, I marvelled at their usefulness, as well as their physical and chemical properties. It is smart to learn how compounds are formed, and how they differ from mixtures. When amazing elements bond together, you get amazing stuffs too. I was just simply amazed at how science works and the reactions that happened when a compound is formed. I feel that generally this is a simple topic just that there was  lots of memorising work to do such as the definition of elements and compounds and the periodic table, and the short form, uses of the elements. The only difficult part i faced is naming all the differences between compound and mixture and the "rows" and "periods" of the periodic table.

Solutions and Suspensions and Separating techniques:

Solutions VS Suspensions:
When passed through filter paperNo visible change, no residue found on paperSolid particles trapped on dilter paper (residue)
When left to settleNo visible changeSolid particles settle on the bottom of container

Factors affecting solubility of a solute:

  1. Type of solute
  2. Type of solvent
  3. Temperature of solvent
  4. Pressure of surroundings

Factors affecting rate of dissolving:

  1. Temperature of solvent
  2. Rate of stirring
  3. Particles size of solute

I felt that this was the longest topic and also the hardest topic for this term. There were lots to memorise and a lot key words. For solute and suspension, I had problem reading the graph used to display the rate of dissolving and worst, I kept getting messed up with factors affecting the solubility of a solute and factors affecting rate of dissolving.( Its so confusing! >.<) I spent quite much time trying to remember the definition and difference of solute and solvent. To me, separating techniques was really a fun and interesting topic. I was quite fascinated by the different types of separating techniques and the uses of it. However it was this that troubled me a lot. I could not remember when to use which separating technique as many were all for aqueous solution. It really troubled me when I did not know about the object being separated( as in I do not know what it is although it is given)is.  I was really intrigued by how paper chromatography works, like how water goes up the filter paper and the sight produced when the solute is dissolved in the solvent!

Separation Techniques:

FiltrationSuspensionFiltrate, Residue
Evaporation to drynessSolutionSolute
Simple/Fractional DistillationSolutionDistillate
Paper ChromatographyMixture of liquidsComponents will be separated as they move up paper at different rates
Magnetic AttractionMixture of SolidsMagnetic Substances, Non-magnetic Substances
Separating FunnelMixture of non-miscible liquidsLiquids separated based on different densities

Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems

This topic was not a topic that I really understand. I felt that this topic was really very rushed due to time constraints and thus I felt that it was very challenging. Although I have learnt this topic in primary school, there were much more things to learn for this topic in secondary school. We learnt much more about the parts of cell and the functions of it. There were so many things to memorise, but I like it this topic as I love biology! The topic Cells became much more difficult and confusing than primary school. The part I felt that it was the simplest was the differences and similarities between plants and animal cells as I had already learnt it in primary school. Tissue, Organs and system was a whole new thing to me. However, this part of the topic was not really very difficult. It helped me to understand how the human body works. I felt that this topic is quite logical so it will be easier to memorise but I still find it hard to memorise the functions of the tissues and organs. This part of the topic taught me much more than what I knew about my own body and how it works and that everything in the body all has its own purpose.

Diffusion And Osmosis!

This topic is a new topic to me, but I heard about it from my Primary school teacher and I have been intrigued by it since then. This topic is mainly about diffusion as osmosis does not have much difference from diffusion. Osmosis is just the movement of water molecules while diffusion is the movement of everything else. At first I thought it was a difficult topic as I did not really understand what Ms Chia was teaching in class. However, after reading through the notes a few times, I did not feel that it was that difficult except that there was much memory work to be done. I was wondering what was the difference between concentration and potential as potential is used for osmosis and concentration of diffusion. I was in a suspense until my dad explained to me that a high concentration of a solution means low potential (concentration) of water, so the higher the concentration of the solute, then there would be a lower potential of water, and therefore "potential" is used for water, to prevent confusion. However, I still feel that it is very confusing! Till now, I still get confused when I do not read the question properly as I kept thinking higher concentration means higher concentration of water, but it is not so in the case of osmosis. What I really cannot grasp is the types of solutions such as the hypotonic solutions, hypertonic solutions and isotonic solutions and how they affect cells. I also cannot remember which type of solution has what effect cells. Overall, I feel that this topic is fascinating and intriguing yet tedious!


I feel that this topic is sort of like a recap of what i was taught in primary school and some extra stuffs. I learnt about the different types of respiration which i did not learn in primary school like cellular respiration, external respiration, aerobic respiration and tissue respiration. We also learnt about the human respiratory system in detailed and I found this topic quite fun and interesting especially the human respiratory system!


I feel that this is the easiest topic i have ever learnt in secondary school  as this topic was already taught in primary school and there was not much difference. However this topic served as a good reminder and revision for me as i have not been touching this topic for quite a long time. The only difference is that the iodine test for starch is more complicated but i got that of it quite quickly! =D