Personal Work samples =D

Here are some of my personal work examples that I did as ACE assignments and also for my Projects DAY! Hope you like it !

For ACE,  I did 4 work samples for the teacher to mark and grade me! It sort of turned out better than i expected =D. Two of my ACEs were websites while the other 2 are posters. And NOW, i am going showcase the First ACE i have done for Science and also the one that i had spent the most effort on!

Lab Safety RULES
After a lesson with Ms Chia about Lab Safety, we were told to do a ACE to promote Lab Safety. I invested a lot of time in this ACE as it was my first ACE and I wanted to leave a good impression! =D By doing this ACE, I learnt much more about Lab Safety Rules as i spent alot of time researching. I used Microsoft Powerpoint to do it and here it is, hope u like it! 

Great thanks to docstoc for allowing me to publich my powerpoint! =D

This website was designed to introduce to people that there are a lot of different types of metals and some interesting facts of metals that people might not know! It was also my first time using Wix to design a webpage so it took me quite long to do it as I had to figure out .

This Is How My WebPage Look Like =D:
And here is the link to my great website!:!
Please go and take a LOOK!

This is a assignment on separating techniques! This is a quite a difficult and problem-based learning assignment, which we had to solve an problem faced by the Drink Up Live Long(D.U.L.L) bottled distilled water company. If you wan to know more, feel free to read our website! This is was a group project, done with my friend Wong Wei Jun, also my partner for the next ACE Assignment and here is our Solution to the problem! Hopefully it will work =P

The ScreenShot!:
Great thanks to Wix for being such a amazing website creating platform!

Digestive System Poster!
YEaaa. Its another poster to refresh my memory on a long lost rusty topic!! This was a piece of group work, done together with my usual partner, Wong Wei Jun. This poster is about the digestive system, it was sort of a self-revision and research as Ms Chia did not cover this topic in class. It sort of help me a lot in remembering what my primary school teacher taught me about this topic and it really helped me in refreshing my memory!

Our Completed Poster:
The link to the slideshow:
Just in case that you cannot the words properly here is the word document that we prepared:

Great Thanks to Wei Jun for being a excellent partner! =D

Other Work Samples
Here are the other samples that i have researched on and doned!

The Scientist I choose Is:
As i have mentioned in previous post, this was our first assignment for Science. We had to write report based on this following points:
- Who is the Scientist?
- Why would you choose him/her?
-What makes a Scientist famous?
- Give some discoveries that he/she had made
- What qualities of scientist did she/he display
 Here is the scientist i choosed:
The scientist I choose is Isaac Newton


My Project Day work : The Laundry Guardian!
I was in my projects day group consisting of Stark, Nicholas Ow(1O4), Me and Zhen yang. We were Cat 3, invention. What we invented was something to prevent laundry from getting wet from the wet clothes hanged up by the neighbours living above and also to shelter the clothes from rain. We got into the finals but sadly we did not get in the grandfinals as we did not prepare well enough. So, here is our ppt, hope you like it!
