Out OF the CLassRoom!

Lessons conducted in Laboratary! Hands on experiences, any lessons that are not in the classrooms are posted here! I Love Lab lessons, anything can happen here........

My favourite and most memorable Lab lessons!

Of all the experiments that we had in class, my favourite was the Bunsen burner experiment. The teacher explained to us about laboratory procedures and the necessary precautions to take while using the Bunsen burner. This is very useful as there is a possibility of injury when using the Bunsen burner and thus, it is important to avoid such incidents. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure! Unfortunately, my teacher had hardly finished explaining when my friend started to play with the Bunsen burner and got his hand burnt in the process. Although this was an interesting episode in my secondary school life, it taught me the importance of listening to the teacher when she’s talking!

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I have got to say that this experiment is one of my favourite that i have had in the lab. I was always interested in how paper chromatography works ever since Ms Chia taught us the topic. I have also heard from my senior that this is a very fun and interesting experiment! However, hearing a hundred times is not as good as seeing once, seeing the black ink separate into many different colours, I was really amazed and could not believe my eyes! The pattern that the ink made on the chromatography paper was also very beautiful. After doing this experiment, I really learnt a lot about chromatography and how it works, and I really had a fun time at the Lab!

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This is the most memorable lab lesson that I had for term 3 and also the last lab lesson for that term( if i am not wrong). This lesson taught me quite a lot about osmosis through real life demostration! I find this lesson very fun and enriching. I was surprised that the shell of the egg corroded immediately when dilute hydrochloric acid was poured in, the shell just like broke away and become a green-like substance. White froth and bubbles of gas were formed during the process. After pouring away the acid, I touched the egg and felt very soft and bouncy as if it has been boiled and peeled. From this experiment, I have learnt that egg membrane is semi-permeable and thus osmosis can occur.

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