Reflections on termly personal performance

Reflection on Term 1 performance
This was my first term in Hwa Chong - I was still adapting to life in secondary school. I made an extra effort for Science as it is one of my favourite subjects. It was useful that most of the content taught in this term was very interesting, which inspired me to further my growth development in Science by going online to discover more for myself. The worksheets and tests allowed me to understand my strengths and weaknesses for the topics tested. I found that this was very useful in helping me to reflect on how I can do better for Science in the next term.

Reflection on Term 2 performance
Although I was determined to improve on my score from Term 1, I found the topics taught in this term more challenging than the last. It also did not help that I was unwell for a period of time, which hindered my learning in Science. I had to conduct independent learning in order to catch up with the rest of the class. In this aspect, I felt that I could have approached the teacher more often, as well as putting in more effort to find out from my classmates what I missed out. The deprovement in my science result was also partly because of my obsession in computer games =(. In retrospect, I also found that I tended to be more careless in the tests. I resolved to get a better understanding of the topics taught in Term 2. 

Reflection on Term 3 performance
This term, I learnt about separating techniques, compounds, mixtures, solutions and suspensions. I found the concepts slightly easier to grasp this time. This allowed me to give a better performance for my term test, where I managed to get an A1 but barely. I feel, however, that I could have done better in terms of time management, especially when reading graphs, i kept getting stuck in graph questions wasted me alot of time causing me not to finish the paper. Graph-reading is certainly an essential skill for a scientist, thus I will strive to work harder in this area. I also should have talked less in class because the teacher says I talk too much in class.